
Back to the Future!

from movie "back to the future 2"

The title of this post comes from the fact that winter fashion "returns" to the futurism. Already the last 50 years the whole world is dreaming about the future and about the clothes of the future (for exaple the film "Star Wars" or the TV show "Star Trek").
Therefore, we can confidently say that fashion comes back to the future:).
About the peculiarities of style, inspiration for "the future" is any movie about it! For this style is typical metallic hues, clean lines and bright colors!

 Hopefully, in the chaos of the photos you can understand what futurism is!

In any case, movies and TV shows on the future provide the most accurate picture of the "clothing" that the very future. I think more futuristic is organic materials, rather than metal dress - because all science aspires to the purity of the ecosystem. But this is only one season, and organic brands and collections are gaining momentum for several years.

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